What does it take to be Successful Online and in Life? Do you need Persistence? Do you need to be Patient? Or is it something else?


The dictionary defines Persistence as "the firm obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition..."

If you’re learning how to be successful, some will tell you that persistence will get you to your goal. After all, Denis Waitley himself said that "Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence..." 

However, another great mind, Napoleon Hill, also talked about persistence...but a little differently. He said, "The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail..." 

This is not always true. In fact, believe this is often just extending the myth of the rugged explorer, navigating unchartered lands and forging a better path. But a path to where?

Sometimes this is reality...and a rugged individual with vision does need to keep going. But is persistence still the best way?

However, the danger lies in embracing that persistence at the expense of refusing to listen to the signals around why something may not be working as smoothly as planned.

So what does that mean?

Look at that definition of Persistence again. “…the firm or obstinate continuance…” What is obstinate? The words associated with someone who is obstinate are: stubborn, bullheaded; inflexible, unyielding and perverse. Think about that for a minute.

Do those kind of limiting words describe a visionary leader? Or a tyrant?

So...is it possible that being "persistence" or "obstinent" could actually get in your way?

So the question you should be asking yourself is: Does building a business really need to be this hard? Is being “persistent” the best way to get from where you are to where you want to be?

Is there a better way? And what if the only way you will be able to see that better way is when you step back, take a breath, take stock of all the conditions and tools you have at your disposal, and then proceed toward your goal on a better path.

Now...were you paying attention to what I just said? You don't have to give up on your dreams.

What do you need to do this? Patience

What is Patience, really? It's the “capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset…”

Moving toward success in your business with Patience allows you to go into a "zen" rhythm. Now some people may think that being patient is the same as being passive.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

Being patient as you build your business, or even building your relationships, takes an enormous amount of confidence and faith. How can this be? Well, you have to know beyond all doubt that your product and your service are needed by the market. Your value will result in your success...when you are patient and take full advantage of opportunities that come your way.

The time frame of that success may not be what you originally anticipated; your path may not be what you originally mapped out; but because you are patient, confident, and have the ability to be flexible in your approach and adjust your sails as different and better opportunities present themselves, you can become successful.

Trust me...I have some experience with this; and I know that the confidence you think you have can be tested when things start to get rough. Especially when “life” pulls the rug out from under you.

I’ve been there!

Even so... even when it seems to be taking FOREVER to get where you're going; if you go through the steps of the process with patience and an openness you will not only enjoy the journey, but get the most value from the challenges you face.

Ask yourself: If you knew that you couldn’t fail; that success was a "sure thing" for your business…what would you do differently?

Would you plan out your day differently? Would you embrace the tools and training you needed to get to the next level? Would you call that potential client, write that book, or start that podcast?

There are always a thousand reasons why we "can't" do something; reasons why it won't work. And most often, we fool ourselves into thinking that "something" that is holding us back from success is external: not enough education, a bad economy, not enough time. But remember this, you have the same amount of time each day as Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, or Mother Theresa did, right? 

Be patient…with yourself and with your business. 

Set your goals; form good habits to get to those goals, and enjoy every step along your journey!


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